Viernes, Marzo 14, 2025

Ponente: Bertrand Deroin
Institución: Universidad de Cergy/CNRS, Francia

06/02/2024 de 12:00 a 13:00
Dónde    Auditorio "Alfonso Nápoles Gándara"

I will report on some work in collaboration with Julien Marché, in which we constructed some compactification of the moduli spaces of curves of genus g with n marked points carrying a complex hyperbolic structure, in the cases (g,n)= (0,4),(0,5),(1,2),(1,3) and (2,1). This extends classical works of Hirzebruch (case (g,n)=(0,5)), Livne (case (g,n)=(1,2)), and this gives a negative answer to a question asked by Siu in the eighties: there exists a holomorphic submersion X-->Y between compact complex hyperbolic manifolds X,Y of dimensions dim X>dim Y >1. These constructions are based on the analysis of some topological properties of quantum projective representations of the mapping class group.




Geometría algebraica, Teoría de grupos, Topología, Coloquio en Ciudad Universitaria CDMX, Análisis complejo, Teoría de Teichmüller