Sábado, Noviembre 23, 2024

Es un placer invitar al Coloquio Queretano de Matemáticas a realizarse este viernes 30 de agosto @ 1pm, donde contaremos con la presencia del Dr. Yu Tang.

Ponente: Yu Tang
NingboTech University of Zhejiang, China

Resumen. A simple mechanical system refers to a mechanical system described by a Lagrangian dynamics evolving on a smooth manifold actuated by a set of external forces including control forces. The first par of this talk gives a brief review of the recent development of common control methodologies for simple mechanical systems on Lie groups, including feedback-by-linearization like control, PID control, and sliding mode control. These methodologies are widely known for systems evolving on Euclidean space. When extended to systems whose configuration space is a Lie group, control designs must take the underling geometric characteristics into account, because the topological structure of the configuration space and the tangent space are very different. The main problem is thus how to endow the state space (the tangent bundle) with a group structure so that the salient features of conventional control designs in Euclidean space may be inherited on a general Lie group.
The second part of the talk presents a novel attitude controller on the 3D-unit sphere based on sliding mode. The tangent bundle of the Lagrangian dynamics that describes the rotational motion of a rigid body is first equipped with the Lie-group structure, then a sliding subgroup emerged on it is defined.  Next, a sliding-mode controller is designed for attitude tracking that relies on an intrinsic error defined on the Lie group. Almost global asymptotic stability of the closed loop is demonstrated using the Lyapunov analysis.   

Hora y lugar: viernes 30 de agosto @ 1pm,
Presencial: Aula Teórica, Instituto de Matemáticas Unidad Juriquilla.
Virtual: Zoom



Ecuaciones diferenciales, Coloquio en Juriquilla, Querétaro, Álgebra de Lie, Teoría del control