Viernes, Marzo 14, 2025

 Jürgen Bokowski (Technische Universität Darmstadt)

de 12:00 a 13:00
Dónde    Salón "Graciela Salicrup"

An r-dimensional linear subsapce in $R^n$ can be written in an invariant fashion, i.e. independently of its basis, as a point on the grassmannian. Even the corresponding orthant in which the point of the grassmannian lies, still provides interesting combinatorial properties.

It has turned out that a certain generalization of such orthants is natural from a mathematical point of view. It allows us e.g. to study combinatorial properties of convex polytopes, polyhedral embeddings of manifolds, and point line configurations. The talk should help the novice to understand why the theory of oriented matroids is an interesting mathematical tool.




Geometría algebraica, Teoría de representaciones, Coloquio en Ciudad Universitaria CDMX